Dag Detter

Known For

  • President, Swedish National Wealth Fund (1998 - 2001)

  • Led a restructuring of the $70 billion portfolio of companies owned by the Swedish government, the first attempt by a European government to address systematically the ownership & management of government enterprises & real estate.

  • Mr. Detter has since helped governments in over 30 countries generate billions in non-tax revenue.

Speaking Engagement Topics

  • Sovereign Wealth Funds, Public Wealth Funds, Modernizing Government Accounting, Unlocking The Hidden Value of Government Assets, Generating Non-Tax Revenue.

Expertise Sought By

  • Investment Banks, National Wealth Funds, Private Sector Enterprises, Governments Seeking To Strengthen Public Finances,Think Tanks, Schools of Business, Private Equity Firms, Pension Funds, Asset Managers, Ratings Agencies, Governments Seeking To Strengthen Public Finances.


From 1998 - 2001, Dag Detter led a restructuring of the $70 billion portfolio of companies owned by the Swedish government. The portfolio consisted of more than 60 companies and 200,000 employees. This was the first attempt by a European government to address systematically the ownership & management of government enterprises & real estate.

During the restructuring, Mr. Detter served as the President of Stattum, a holding company that managed part of the Swedish government’s portfolio of businesses. He also served as a Director at the Swedish Ministry of Industry and as Head of the State Enterprise Division within the Ministry.

The companies overseen by Mr. Detter during this period included Vattenfall, the national electricity company; Posten, the national mail and logistics company; Telia, the telecom incumbent; AssiDomän, one of Europe’s largest forestry, paper, and packaging groups; Celsius, one of Europe’s largest defence groups; and the rail operator SJ.

From May 1999 - June 2001, as the restructuring was under way, the value of the Swedish government’s portfolio of assets increased 12%, outperforming the local stock market index which appreciated only 6%. The portfolio also yielded approximately 18 billion USD from divestitures and approximately 7 billion USD from dividends.

Mr. Detter has since advised local and national governments in over 30 countries on how tap the value of their public commercial assets and real estate. The countries where his advisory services have been sought out include Abu Dhabi, Argentina, China, Ethiopia, Finland, Greece, Jordan, Libya, Lituhania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, the United States, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.

He has also advised international institutions such as the Asian Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank. He has consulted for the European Stability Mechanism and Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund.

He has served as Non-Executive Director of both listed and private companies, including Celsius; Telia; Posten; Svenska Kraftnat, the Swedish national electricity company; and Jernhusen, the Swedish national railway holding company.

He speaks English, Swedish, German, French, Mandarin, and Danish.

Government officials, international institutions, and businesses who would like to retain Mr. Detter’s advisory services can do so at Detter & Co., a corporate finance advisory boutique directed by Mr. Detter which specializes in restructuring and managing public commercial assets.

Mr. Detter is the author of Public Wealth, a blog about making government more efficient, generating non-tax revenues, & putting public assets to work.

BBC Media Appearance

Dag Detter Segment On BBC World News (2015).

Talks & Lectures

Mr. Detter Speaks At An Event In London.

Dag Detter Delivers A Lecture At USC in Los Angeles.

Mr Detter Speaks At An Event Held By The Economist in New York City.

Previous Speaking Engagements

Mr. Detter Delivering A Speech In Almedalen, Sweden (2023).

Mr. Detter (Pictured Right) Speaks At A Eurogroup Meeting of European Finance Ministers In 2019.

Mr. Detter (Pictured Right) During A Panel Event In Toronto, Canada (2018).

Mr. Detter Delivering A Talk In South Korea (2023).


“This book is a compelling practitioners guide for current and aspiring policymakers who take seriously their responsibilities to promote economic and social welfare, not just now but for future generations.” — Ruth Richardson, New Zealand Minister of Finance 1990-93

2024 Best Summer Books - The Financial Times

“Across the globe, people are flocking to cities. But some cities are thriving and others aren’t. As the process of urbanization continues, it’s crucial to understand why some cities succeed and others don’t. In this important and practical new book, Detter and Fölster teach us how to turn around distressed cities.”

— Peter Orszag, Vice Chairman of Investment Banking, Lazard, and former Director, Congressional Budget Office

2015 Books of the Year - The Economist

2015 Best Books of the Year - The Financial Times

“Dag Detter can speak with great authority and depth of practical experience[.] The Public Wealth of Nations is an important contribution to a debate of vital concern to governments across the world.” —Lord Sassoon, Former Commercial Secretary, HM Treasury

Mr. Detter Speaking At The Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm (2023).